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IT and Biotech

The next IT stop

Globally, the Information Technology (IT) industry is expected to be the engine for economic growth and social development for a long time to come. The advent of Internet and E-commerce has transformed and revolutionised traditional businesses and is significantly impacting industry, government and the society at large. India is rapidly emerging as one of the top global powerhouses in the IT sector.

The market openings have primarily been identified, by Greater Noida across four broad sectors:

  • IT services,

  • Software products,

  • IT enabled services and

  • E-business

  • These would constitute lucrative opportunities for Indian Companies. In addition to the export market, all of these segments have a domestic market component as well. NASSCOM forecasts revenues of US $87 billion and employment of two million people by the year 2008 by the Indian IT Industry.

  • National Capital Region (NCR) ranks no. 3 in terms of the number of software firms companies based in it after Mumbai and Bangalore. In case of the ITES sector, the NCR leads with 20% of the total number of companies located in this region.

  • Since the NCR has emerged as a hub for IT industry, Greater Noida could emerge as an IT destination of the future leveraging its proximity to the national capital and availability of quality urban infrastructure including housing.

  • Location Criteria for IT Industry

    Public Notices, Due Dates, Office Orders
    Date Title / Description Department
    23/01/2025 Date extend Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Beautification (Decorative Lighting of various Entry & Exit Points and Important Location of Greater Noida City Public Notices, Tenders, Project
    22/01/2025 E-Tender No. 557 for Miscellaneous Work Public Notices, Tenders, Project
    22/01/2025 Expression of Interest (EOI) Selection and Empanelment of Agencies for Tree Transplantation in Greater Noida Public Notices, Tenders, Horticulture
    21/01/2025 Expression of Interest Corringendum Hiring of Agency for Beautification (Decorative Lighting) of various Entry and Exit Point Public Notices, Tenders, Project
    21/01/2025 Revised Schedule Commercial Scheme CSK-1/2024-25 Public Notices, Schemes, Commercial
    20/01/2025 Tender Notice 3375 for Miscellaneous Works Public Notices, Tenders
    17/01/2025 Request for proposal (RFP) for setting up compressed bio-gas plant for processing of 50 TPD cow dung & other waste in nandi gaushala & establisment & operation maintenance of 800 TPD Mixed solid waste processing plant on DBOT basis at Greater Noida Public Notices, Tenders, Health
    17/01/2025 Public Notice regarding Kissan Abadi Plot 6/10 Percentage Village (Bironda) Public Notices, Planning
    17/01/2025 Invitation for Selection of Contractors to Install, Maintain and Manage Unipole at location at Greater Noida (Package 4,7) Public Notices, Tenders, Urban Services
    16/01/2025 EOI Invites Organizations, Research Institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) & other Stakeholders with relevant expertise to collaborate on a Water Conservation Project aimed at Protecting & Restoring the Surajpur Wetland Ecosystem Public Notices, Tenders, Horticulture
    16/01/2025 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 2000 KVA, 33KVA/0.415V, Dry Type Transformer & Material Supply for Office Building GNIDA, Greater Noida Public Notices, Tenders, Project
    15/01/2025 Expression of Interest (EOI) Selection and Empanelment of Agencies for Tree Transplantation in Greater Noida Public Notices, Tenders, Horticulture
    13/01/2025 Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Repairing & Maintenance of Installed CCTV Networking & Concerned Data System Public Notices, Tenders, Project
    10/01/2025 Integrated Mechanical Sweeping, Manual Sweeping, Door to Door Collection and Transportation of Waste in Zone - 1 & 2 Greater Noida West​​ Public Notices, Tenders, Health
    10/01/2025 Service of Shaktiman Self Propelled Tree Pruning Machine Public Notices, Horticulture
    10/01/2025 E-Tender No. 553 for Miscellaneous Work Public Notices, Tenders, Project
    09/01/2025 Notice inviting Quotation are invited Software Development Companies and Startups for Designing and Developing a Software Solution for the Planning Department Public Notices, Planning
    07/01/2025 Office Order regarding Rate of Interest​ Public Notices, Finance
    07/01/2025 To Appoint the Retired Employee in the Authority on Fixed Honorarium Public Notices, HRD
    06/01/2025 Supply of Wheat Husk/Bran/Green Fodder Gaushala in Village - Powari & Jalpura ​ Public Notices, Tenders, Health