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Allotment Procedure



A - 1 . H O W T O A P P L Y

1. The prescribed Application form for allotment of plots of above categories can be obtained from the following banks on payment of Rs. 1100/-.


Name of Bank

Address of the Bank/Branch

Bank Code



Bank of Baroda

Sector Gamma-II Commercial


Complex, Greater Noida



Sector Alpha-I, Commercial Belt,


Greater Noida



Sector-18, Noida



Union Bank of India

Sector-62, Noida


2. The duly filled in application form must be submitted in any of the aforesaid bank branches alongwith proposal / project / details and other statutory documents. A non-refundable & non-adjustable Processing Fee of Rs.5000/- and Registration money (equivalent to 10% of total premium of the plot area) which is either adjustable or refundable for which application is being submitted should be deposited in favour of Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority. Rs.1100/- would also be deposited in addition to registration money and processing fee, in case application form is downloaded from website www.greaternoidaauthority.in. The registration amount and processing fee as statedabove would be deposited through a bank draft payable at any scheduled bank of New Delhi / Noida / Greater Noida. (The registration amount may be ascertained in person from Institutional Department of the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority.)

3. The application alongwith the requisite documents will be screened by a Screening Committee. The incomplete application / without requisite documents will not be recommended for interview of the applicant. However, the applicant whose application is submitted with complete information will have to appear for interview on prescribed date and time for examining the viability of the Project.

4. The allotment of plot is subject to the recommendation of Plot Allotment Committee/ Screening Committee after interview of the applicant.

5. In the event of the allotment of an institutional plot, the rate charged would be the prevailing rate on the date of issue of the allotment letter.

A - 2 . E L I G I B I L I T Y -

1. An individual firm, trust, registered society or any corporate body registered under Indian

Company Act 1956 can apply. The applicant should be competent to contract.

2. A separate application shall be required to be submitted for each institutional plot.

3. Incomplete application shall be summarily rejected.

4. Any change in the name of the intending applicant will not be allowed under any circumstances.

5. In case of applicant have formed a consortium:

(a) Members of the consortium will have to specify one "lead member", who alone shall be authorized to correspond with the Greater NOIDA Industrial Development Authority. Lead member should be the single largest shareholder amongst the relevant members.

(b) Each member of the consortium with equity stake of at least 26% will be considered as the "relevant member".

(c) The members shall submit a registered Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (Annexure-5)

conveying their intent to jointly apply for the allotment of institutional plot, and in case the plot is allotted to them, to form a 'Special Purpose Company', that will subsequently be carrying out all the responsibilities of the allottee.

(d) The MOU shall clearly define the role and responsibility of each member in the consortium,

particularly with regard to arranging debt and equity for the project and its implementation. The MOU should state that all members shall be jointly and severely responsible for the successful implementation of the project.

(e)The execution of the lease deed will be made in favour of the SPC, which should be a registered

firm or an incorporated company. The members of the consortium shall have to retain their respective shares as per MOU till the completion of the project. However, in the exceptional circumstances, the change in consortium shareholding structure may be permitted by Greater NOIDA Industrial Development Authority, but the status of the "lead

member" shall remain unchanged in all circumstances till the completion of project. A-3. MODE OF PAYMENT AND PAYMENT PLAN

1. Payment Plan would be as follows —

· 10% of total premium alongwith application as Registration Money.

· 20% of total premium as Allotment Money (after adjusting registration money) shall

have to pay within 60 days from the date of issue of allotment letter.

· Balance 70% payable premium shall have to pay in 12 equal six monthly installments along with interest @ 13% p.a.

2. Pre-payment in whole or part is allowed. In case the allottee opts to pay the balance

of the premium in a lump sum, interest on the balance premium up to the date of deposit shall be chargeable.

3. Extension for depositing allotment money shall not ordinarily be allowed. In case of default in allotment money, the allotment offer would be cancelled without issuing any notice and the registration money will be forfeited. In exceptional circumstances the time of deposit for the payment of amount due may be extended by the Chief Executive Officer or its authorized officer at his/her discretion.

4. All payments should be remitted by the due dates. In case the due date is a bank holiday then the allottee/lessee shall ensure remittance on the next working day. In exceptional circumstances the time of deposit for the payment of amount due may be extended by the Chief Executive Officer or its authorized officer at his/her discretion.

In case of default in deposit of any money (except lease rent) due to the Authority the allottee / lessee would be required to pay an additional interest 3% (total 16%) above to applicable interest rate p.a. on defaulted amount for defaulted period. This defaulted amount will be compounded half yearly and would be payable along with additional interest of 3% (total 16%) above to applicable interest rate. In case of default, the Authority shall issue notice giving 15 days’ time to deposit/rectify the default. Not more than three such consecutive notices shall be issued. In the event of non-payment after three defaulter notices, cancellation process will be initiated.

5. All payments should be made through demand draft drawn in favour of 'Greater No ida Industrial Development Authority' and payable on any designated scheduled bank located

in Delhi/New Delhi /Noida/Greater Noida with intimation to the Authority.

The payment made by allottee /lessee shall first be adjusted towards the interest due, if any, and thereafter the balance shall be adjusted towards the installment due and the lease rent payable. NOTE:- For the purpose of this document the date of issue of allotment letter shall be reckoned as date of allotment.


In addition to the premium of plot, lease rent shall be chargeable from the date of execution of lease deed @ 2.5% of the total premium per annum and shall be payable annually in advance. In case of default in payment of lease rent, a defaulted interest rate 16% shall be charged on the defaulted amount for the defaulted period. The annual lease rent may be enhanced on expiry of every 10 years.

The allottee shall have an option to pay a lump sum amount equivalent to 11 times of the annual lease rent i.e.27.5% of total premium before the due date for execution of lease deed as a ONE-TIME LEASE RENT.

NOTE:- If the allottee chooses the option to pay annual lease rent at the time of execution of lease deed, he/they can subsequently exercise his option to pay one time lease rent indicated above.

A-5. The plot will be alloted on "As is where is basis" on lease for a period of 90 years startingfrom the date of execution of lease deed.


i) The allottee can execute the lease deed and take over possession of the plot any time after he has deposited 30% of the total premium of the plot (in condition of availability of lease plan). The date of execution of lease deed will be treated as the date of handing over the actual physical possession, notwithstanding any other claim.

ii) The allottees are required to execute lease deed and take physical possession of the plot within 30 days from the date of issue of check-list/information to do so. In the event of failure to do so, the allotment would be liable for cancellation. In exceptional circumstances, CEO or its authorized officer can grant time extension maximum up to 12 months on payment of penalty equivalent to annual lease rent.

In any case, lease deed would be executed only after deposit of allotment money.


The allotment of plot will be made on leasehold basis for a period of 90 years from the date of execution of lease deed.


The stamp duty, registration charges and all legal expenses involved in the execution and registration of lease deed as stated above and all other incidental expenses shall be borne by the allottee. The rate of stamp duty is applicable as per the notification issued by the State Government from time to time. The allottee/transferee shall also pay the duty on transfer of immovable property levied by the authority from time to time.


Location charges shall be payable by the allottee / lessee before execution of lease deed in

lump sum.

For Corner Plots


5% of the Total Premium of Plot

For Plots facing park/green belt


5% of the Total Premium of Plot

For Plots facing 45 mtr. wide or above sized roads - 5% of the Total Premium of Plot Note:- For plots having more than one locational benefit, location charges will be added.

A-10. IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT (For Institutional Plots - except Vocational Training Hub and Office Plots)

1. The lessee/allottee shall construct the boundary wall as well as the building of the institution only after getting proper sanction of the building plan by the lessor in accordance with the prescribed architectural controls and relevant Building Regulations as well as any specific directions that may be issued by the lessor.

2A. The allottee / lessee shall commence and complete the construction as per the following schedule.


Size of Plot (Sq. Mtrs.)

Minimum Built Up

Time period allowed


(As % of





(from the


due date of


of lease deed)


Upto 40000 Sq. Mtrs.


Within 3 years


Exceeding 4000 Sq. Mtrs but not


Within 3 years

exceeding 10000 Sq. Mtrs.


Exceeding 10000 Sq. Mtrs. but


Within 3 years

not exceeding 20000 Sq. Mtrs.


Exceeding 20000 Sq. Mtrs. but


Within 3 years

not exceeding 100000 Sq. Mtrs.


Exceeding 100000 Sq. Mtrs. but


Within 3 years

not exceeding 200000 Sq. Mtrs.


Exceeding 200000 Sq. Mtrs. but


Within 3 years

not exceeding 400000 Sq. Mtrs.


Above 400000 Sq. Mtrs.


Within 3 years

B. Normally, no extension for completion would be granted. However, in exceptional circumstances, extension of 36 months may be granted by the Authority on payment of extension charges @ 0.5% per month of total premium of the plot or as decided from time to time by the Authority

C. In case the applicant fails to complete the building and commence the activity for which the land has been allotted, within the time period, or extended time period, decided for the purpose, the allotment/lease can be cancelled / determined. On such cancellation / determination, 20% of the premium will be forfeited, and the lessor shall resume possession of the plot, along with any structure thereon, with the allottee having no claim or compensation thereof . The balance amount deposited shall be refunded without any interest.


It is essential to obtain functional certificate from the Authority within 6 months from the due date of issue of completion/occupancy certificate. The following documents are required to obtain functional certificate —

1. Completion/Occupancy Certificate.

2. No dues certificate.

3. Proof of any government/semi government/Education Board/University declaring the Institute is functional.

4. CEO or its authorized officer, may ask any other document for satisfaction that Institute isfunctional.

5. In case of failure to obtain functional certificate, the allottee would be required to paypenalty @4% of the total premium per year (calculated on monthly pro -rata basis).

A-11. IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT (For Vocational Training Hub Plots) -

a) The Lessee shall ensure at least 03 activities among the following vocational training activities in the allotted plot for Vocational hub:

General Vocational

Training for industrial


Training Courses

Computer Training

Aviation and Hospitality

Advanced Tool & Die



Radio/T.V Repairing

Business Management

Advanced Welding


Youth Leadership

Information Technology/

Advanced Ref & Air

Training Computer


Fashion Design and

Dress Making

Electrical Maintenance


Textile Design and

Embroidery and Needle

Electronics Maintenance




Heat Engines


Preservation of Fruit and



Cosmetics design

Secretarial Practice

Hydraulics & Pneumatic

Jewellery Design and


Induction to Engineering



Commercial Art/

Hair and Skin Care

Industrial Chemistry

Graphic Design

Interior Design and

Instrument Mechanics

Machine Tool



Home Science



Nursery and Primary

Computer Operator and

Metrology & Inspection

Teachers Training

Programming Assistant

Modern Office

Architectural Assistantship


Management/ SP



Beauty Culture and

Desk Top Publishing

Process Control

Hair Dressing



Wedding and event

Business Services

Production Technology



Instructor Training Course

Tool Design

Advertising and PR

Journalism and Mass

Airhostess training


Tourism and

SAP training


b) The activities stated in para (a) above must be in operation within 3 years from the due date of execution of lease deed. However further extension in exceptional circumstances /cases can be granted on the satisfaction of Chief Executive Officer or his authorized officer and on payment of extension charges as given below.

i) 2% of the total premium of the plot for first year

ii) 3% (of the total premium of the plot per year for succeeding years).

c) The entire scheme shall be operational as per Building Byelaws. However further extension in exceptional circumstances /cases can be granted on the satisfaction of Chief Executive Officer or authorized officer on payment of extension charges as decided by the Chief Executive Officer from time to time.

d) A maximum of 15% of total built up spaces as permissible under Building Regulations of the Authority (as amended from time to time) can be utilized for the purpose of provision housing for staff of the various institutes.

e) A maximum of 25% of the total built up space permissible under Building Regulation of the Authority (as amended from time to time) may be used for provision of following defined support facilities:

I. 10% of permissible FAR may be utilised for support facilities, 25% for Hostel, 15% for Staff Housing.

II. Bank Extension Counters/ ATM inside the campus building (Maximum of 50 Sq.Mtr can be used for this purpose)

III. Swimming Pool/ Health Club/ Recreational Club

IV Indoor Games Hall

V Shopping & Cafeteria/ Canteen

(Maximum of 1000 Sq.Mtr which shall be exclusive of dining facilities provided with students' accommodation)

VI. Transit Hostels for Parents

VII. Dispensary/ Health Centre to a maximum covered area of 100 sqm. VIII. Post Office

IX. Religious BuildingX. Utilities

XI. Training Centre/ Workshops and Exhibition Space as may be required by specialized vocational training may be provided under provision of supporting facilities/ main building


B-1 Area

The area of plot allotted may slightly vary at the time of handing over of the possession.

The premium of the plot will proportionately vary due to such variation. If such variation is within 10% limits, no change in location or surrender shall be allowed. However, if such variation is more than 10%, allottee shall have the option of surrendering the allotment and take back entire money deposited by him/her without any interest.

B-2 Unsuccessful Applicants

The Registration money of the unsuccessful applicants will be returned without interest after rejection of application.

B-3 Surrender

The allottee can surrender