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Farmer Corner / कृषक क्षेत्र

This section will link to various details related to farmers and rural abadi.

1. Status of Village Development-
2. 6 प्रीतिशत व 10 प्रीतिशत आबादी भूखण्डों की संसोधित सूची -
3. पट्टा प्रलेख द्वारा आबादी व्यवस्थापन के तहत पट्टा प्रलेख किये जाने के वाली भूमि की सूची (ग्रामवार) -
4. अर्जित भूमि के सापेक्ष कृषको को दिये जाने वाले आबादी भूखंड की पात्रता सूची (ग्रामवार) -
5. 2017-2018 में ग्रामवार कराये जाने वाले प्रस्तावित 6% आबादी भूखण्डों के विकास कार्य -
6. Abadi Plots planned in July and August 2017 -
7. Sub Division Policy for 6% Plot -
8. वित्तीय वर्ष 2017-18 मे ग्राम वार कराये जाने वाले प्रस्तावित ग्राम विकास कार्य -
9. Rural Abadi Sites Regulations 2015 -
10. ग्राम हैबतपुर के 240.4810 है0 अर्जन प्रस्ताव के पात्र कृषकों को 6 प्रतिशत व 4/10 प्रतिशत आबादी भूमि आवंटन संबंधी अनुमोदित सूची -
12. ग्राम गुलिस्तानपुर के 6 % आबादी भूखंड जोकि ग्राम/सैक्टर पाली मे नियोजित किये गये हे के आवटन पत्र -
11. ग्राम-पाली के कृषको के आवंटन पत्र की सूची -

Public Notices, Due Dates, Office Orders
Date Title / Description Department
23/01/2025 Date extend Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Beautification (Decorative Lighting of various Entry & Exit Points and Important Location of Greater Noida City Public Notices, Tenders, Project
22/01/2025 E-Tender No. 557 for Miscellaneous Work Public Notices, Tenders, Project
22/01/2025 Expression of Interest (EOI) Selection and Empanelment of Agencies for Tree Transplantation in Greater Noida Public Notices, Tenders, Horticulture
21/01/2025 Expression of Interest Corringendum Hiring of Agency for Beautification (Decorative Lighting) of various Entry and Exit Point Public Notices, Tenders, Project
21/01/2025 Revised Schedule Commercial Scheme CSK-1/2024-25 Public Notices, Schemes, Commercial
20/01/2025 Tender Notice 3375 for Miscellaneous Works Public Notices, Tenders
17/01/2025 Request for proposal (RFP) for setting up compressed bio-gas plant for processing of 50 TPD cow dung & other waste in nandi gaushala & establisment & operation maintenance of 800 TPD Mixed solid waste processing plant on DBOT basis at Greater Noida Public Notices, Tenders, Health
17/01/2025 Public Notice regarding Kissan Abadi Plot 6/10 Percentage Village (Bironda) Public Notices, Planning
17/01/2025 Invitation for Selection of Contractors to Install, Maintain and Manage Unipole at location at Greater Noida (Package 4,7) Public Notices, Tenders, Urban Services
16/01/2025 EOI Invites Organizations, Research Institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) & other Stakeholders with relevant expertise to collaborate on a Water Conservation Project aimed at Protecting & Restoring the Surajpur Wetland Ecosystem Public Notices, Tenders, Horticulture
16/01/2025 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 2000 KVA, 33KVA/0.415V, Dry Type Transformer & Material Supply for Office Building GNIDA, Greater Noida Public Notices, Tenders, Project
15/01/2025 Expression of Interest (EOI) Selection and Empanelment of Agencies for Tree Transplantation in Greater Noida Public Notices, Tenders, Horticulture
13/01/2025 Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Repairing & Maintenance of Installed CCTV Networking & Concerned Data System Public Notices, Tenders, Project
10/01/2025 Integrated Mechanical Sweeping, Manual Sweeping, Door to Door Collection and Transportation of Waste in Zone - 1 & 2 Greater Noida West​​ Public Notices, Tenders, Health
10/01/2025 Service of Shaktiman Self Propelled Tree Pruning Machine Public Notices, Horticulture
10/01/2025 E-Tender No. 553 for Miscellaneous Work Public Notices, Tenders, Project
09/01/2025 Notice inviting Quotation are invited Software Development Companies and Startups for Designing and Developing a Software Solution for the Planning Department Public Notices, Planning
07/01/2025 Office Order regarding Rate of Interest​ Public Notices, Finance
07/01/2025 To Appoint the Retired Employee in the Authority on Fixed Honorarium Public Notices, HRD
06/01/2025 Supply of Wheat Husk/Bran/Green Fodder Gaushala in Village - Powari & Jalpura ​ Public Notices, Tenders, Health