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Development Norms

The allottee shall develop the project and facilities on the demised premises and meet the following norms of development.

  • Minimum area of 4000 Sq.mt. would be required for establishment of IT/ITES units.

  • Maximum ground coverage of 30% and FAR 187.50. In case of units from one acre upto 2.5 acres, the maximum ground coverage would be 25%.

  • Alottees of 5 acres or more would be allowed maximum 10% of total FAR for institutional facilities mentioned in Schedule-II. Rest 90% would be used for IT/ITES.

  • When the area is 10 acres of more and investment is proposed to be more than Rs. 50 crores, in such cases 10% of FAR would be permitted for residential use of employees and officers of Unit/organisation including chowkidars and peons, subject to the ratio of institutional and residential facilities should not exceed more than 15% of FAR and rest 85% FAR would be primarily used for IT/ITES.

  • Alottees of 20 acres or more would be allowed maximum 25% of the total FAR for residential/ commercial/ institutional facilities and the rest 75% would be utilised for IT/ITES purpose, subject to the condition that maximum of 10% of total FAR would be for residential use and maximum of 10% of total FAR would be for commercial use.

  • Residential/Commercial/Institutional facilities allowed in IT/ITES/STP are mentioned in Schedule-II.

  • Apart from the built-up space, the lessee shall be allowed to sell (transfer) developed land to clients for their captive use. However, a minimum of 75% of the total allowed FAR of IT/ITES would have to be developed has built-up space.The remaining could be sold as FAR in the developed plots.

  • The allottee shall sell the Commercial and Residential FAR in proportion to the sale of FAR of IT/ITES areas.

    Elements of I.T. industries and I.T. enabled services (Project and facilities):

  • High quality “ready to move” aesthetic work space.

  • Un-interrupted power supply.

  • High speed data communication services including leased line connectivity and optic fiber back bone network.

  • Centralized Air-Conditioning.

  • Ample parking.

  • Export facilitation I.T. infrastructure.

    Definition of commercial and non-commercial covered space in the context of an I.T. industries and I.T. enabled services.

    Commercial areas:

    Any space that is utilized for the following purposes would be considered as commercial space:

  • Shops

  • Areas for storage, display and sale of merchandise

  • Cinema Halls

  • Hotels

  • Restaurants

  • Open eating kiosks

  • Residential areas:

  • Any space that is utilized for the following purpose would be considered as residential space:

  • Residential uses

  • Hostel

  • Guest House

  • Staff Quarter

  • Institutional Facilities:

  • Waiting and transit areas.

  • Areas designated for public utilities.

  • Travel Services.

  • Telephone exchange.

  • Electric sub station.

  • Water works.

  • Export related facilities.

  • Canteen.

  • Shop restaurant (Maximum 2% of FAR)

  • Creche & Day Care centre.

  • Operations and maintenance by specialized agencies.

  • Training center and library.

  • Health club for users/residents of IT industries and IT enabled services.

  • Games/entertainment room for users/residents of IT Industries and IT enabled services.

  • Banking and financial services.

  • Business center/conference facilities.

  • Public Notices, Due Dates, Office Orders
    Date Title / Description Department
    23/01/2025 Date extend Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Beautification (Decorative Lighting of various Entry & Exit Points and Important Location of Greater Noida City Public Notices, Tenders, Project
    22/01/2025 E-Tender No. 557 for Miscellaneous Work Public Notices, Tenders, Project
    22/01/2025 Expression of Interest (EOI) Selection and Empanelment of Agencies for Tree Transplantation in Greater Noida Public Notices, Tenders, Horticulture
    21/01/2025 Expression of Interest Corringendum Hiring of Agency for Beautification (Decorative Lighting) of various Entry and Exit Point Public Notices, Tenders, Project
    21/01/2025 Revised Schedule Commercial Scheme CSK-1/2024-25 Public Notices, Schemes, Commercial
    20/01/2025 Tender Notice 3375 for Miscellaneous Works Public Notices, Tenders
    17/01/2025 Request for proposal (RFP) for setting up compressed bio-gas plant for processing of 50 TPD cow dung & other waste in nandi gaushala & establisment & operation maintenance of 800 TPD Mixed solid waste processing plant on DBOT basis at Greater Noida Public Notices, Tenders, Health
    17/01/2025 Public Notice regarding Kissan Abadi Plot 6/10 Percentage Village (Bironda) Public Notices, Planning
    17/01/2025 Invitation for Selection of Contractors to Install, Maintain and Manage Unipole at location at Greater Noida (Package 4,7) Public Notices, Tenders, Urban Services
    16/01/2025 EOI Invites Organizations, Research Institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) & other Stakeholders with relevant expertise to collaborate on a Water Conservation Project aimed at Protecting & Restoring the Surajpur Wetland Ecosystem Public Notices, Tenders, Horticulture
    16/01/2025 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 2000 KVA, 33KVA/0.415V, Dry Type Transformer & Material Supply for Office Building GNIDA, Greater Noida Public Notices, Tenders, Project
    15/01/2025 Expression of Interest (EOI) Selection and Empanelment of Agencies for Tree Transplantation in Greater Noida Public Notices, Tenders, Horticulture
    13/01/2025 Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Repairing & Maintenance of Installed CCTV Networking & Concerned Data System Public Notices, Tenders, Project
    10/01/2025 Integrated Mechanical Sweeping, Manual Sweeping, Door to Door Collection and Transportation of Waste in Zone - 1 & 2 Greater Noida West​​ Public Notices, Tenders, Health
    10/01/2025 Service of Shaktiman Self Propelled Tree Pruning Machine Public Notices, Horticulture
    10/01/2025 E-Tender No. 553 for Miscellaneous Work Public Notices, Tenders, Project
    09/01/2025 Notice inviting Quotation are invited Software Development Companies and Startups for Designing and Developing a Software Solution for the Planning Department Public Notices, Planning
    07/01/2025 Office Order regarding Rate of Interest​ Public Notices, Finance
    07/01/2025 To Appoint the Retired Employee in the Authority on Fixed Honorarium Public Notices, HRD
    06/01/2025 Supply of Wheat Husk/Bran/Green Fodder Gaushala in Village - Powari & Jalpura ​ Public Notices, Tenders, Health